rumah bonda kuala lumpur
Rumah Bonda allowed to open but not as care centre. Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates. Public Warned Against Commenting On Ongoing Rumah Bonda Abuse Case KUALA LUMPUR April 13 The judge and all parties involved in the trial of the founder of Rumah Bonda who has been charged with neglecting and abusing Bella a 13-year-old girl with Down syndrome today visited the incident location at the victims home a condominium in Wangsa Maju here. . This followed a decision by Magistrate. KUALA LUMPUR The premises occupied by the Kuala Lumpur Rumah Bonda Welfare Organisation or only known as Rumah Bonda is allowed to reopen but not as a care centre. Rumah Bonda through its chairperson and founder Siti Bainun Ahd Razali has named the Kuala Lumpur Welfare Department JKMWPKL director as the sole defendant in the legal action. KUALA LUMPUR July 15 The premises occupied by the Kuala Lumpur Rumah Bonda Welfare Organisation Pertubuh...